Completing a renovation or house extension, adding a garage, replacing a fence or adding a new retaining wall?
An accurate and well-constructed land survey is crucial to ensure designs meet expectations, boundaries are verified and council guidelines are followed.
Feature and Contour Surveys
The design and approval process depends on receiving an accurate and reliable feature and contour survey. Selecting a well-structured and sufficiently detailed Feature and Contour survey will help to ensure your designer is able to work more efficiently and your final plans and estimated site costings are as accurate as possible. Overall, this contributes significantly towards achieving a cost-effective and timely construction process.
At the heart of LINKS Surveying is Skynet; our custom-built survey management software. By synchronising our datasets with the various statutory authorities of Western Australia, our compiled database is directly aligned to the single sources of truth; saving on wasted data entry inefficiencies, duplication and potential errors.
Our data is collected once and used seamlessly from project commencement through to the final deliverables.
Behind the scenes:
- Structured company libraries
- Logical and organised layers
- Specifically designed residential datasets
- Uniform product controls
- Server synchronisation with Landgate
- Cloud based platform
- Strict company standards
- Custom designed document management
- Streamlined compatible drafting file formats and versions e.g. ArchiCAD, AutoSketch, AutoCAD, PDF
- Shared drawing attributes & styles
- Revision and delivery traceability
- Automatic product delivery
- Simple categories allowing for easy to follow job ordering and cost estimates
- Custom refinements and specific site requests
- Australian Height Datum – AHD
- Additional Datum marks
- Copy of the Certificate of Title
- Copy of the Title Plan
- Combination surveys e.g. Re-Peg, Encroachment, Setback
LINKS Surveying – Points of Difference

Unless requested otherwise or AHD is ordered these are relative to a local 10.0m datum, which allows for easy site calculations and helps to avoid any costly site works implications. 2 datums allows for easy site checks and potential site obstructions.
The starting point for determining garage setbacks and turning circle requirements.
Service easements and or site restrictions of a spatial nature which may potentially affect building.
Where possible, plenty of open space for additional building notes.
All services are shown by individual symbols suitable for both colour and black & white reproduction. Symbols are accurately displayed to scale including refined detailed identification, eg “pre-laid water connection” Vs “Water Meter”, “Sewer Indicator” Vs “Sewer Connection”.
Quickly identify various site objects. Back-end CAD operating files are provided to ensure our surveys are viewed correctly in your system.
Where possible, the lot is left open and free
of clutter for additional building notes.
- Bitumen
- Brick paved
- Unsealed
- Gravel
Typically the decimal point reflects the actual surveyed location.
0.5m contours with both minor and major including labels read facing up-hill.
Quickly and easily identify the site’s existing services.
Identify the “survey area type” to allow for easy cost estimates.
Accurately define construction requirements due to the proximity of breaking surf. Calculated coastal distances are provided from the centre of the lot to the nearest Mean High Water Mark along WA’s coastline.
Broken into 3 categories:
- 0m to 1.5km, the exact distance is shown
- 1.5 to 10Km, 1.5-10Km
- Over 10Km, >10Km
Where available, approximate AHD factor is supplied. Easily convert any level on the survey to an AHD value without extra costs. Suitable for most council requirements.
True AHD connections are available.
Determine your site’s required sewer connection with site specific invert levels,
up distances and calculated depths provided.
Having synchronised our dataset to the single source of truth all address details are current and up-to-date at the time of survey. With numerous options available, finding a site has never been easier for all potential trades:
- GPS co-ords
- UBD reference
- Street address
- Local Authority
- Title plan type
- Title plan number
- Certificate of Title (when available)
Quick reference for site works estimates.
- Traffic islands
- Kerbing
– Block
– Semi-Mountable
– Mountable
– Flush
- Lot Numbers
- Lot Areas
- Descriptions – storeys, materials, openings, floor levels
Top of footing levels
A non-standard item but available if requested. Helpful for potential views and house extensions.
Boundary Surveys
The majority of all construction starts with determining the boundary. The only person able to complete boundary surveys in Western Australia is a registered Licensed Land Surveyor.
Some common uses for needing a boundary survey can include:
- Fencing Issues
- Building or fence line encroachments
- Boundary screen walls
- Retaining walls
- Garage extensions
- Service infrastructure
Construction Setout Surveys
Once the boundary has been defined, various specific construction setout surveys can be performed.
Some common items can include:
- New pools
- House extensions
- House revonations
Get In Touch
Interested in a quote, meeting with one of our friendly team members or finding out more?
Email us at [email protected] or call our head office during business hours on 08-9354-8511

We had a fantastic experience with the Links team. They really know their stuff and were always available to keep us updated and informed. Would thoroughly recommend.
Stacey Fall
Property owner | Google Reviews